"You beckoned, my princess?", the soft, firm, familiar whisper, acted like a drug, giving her energy, even as she turned in reply. "Oh! Kumaran", she thought; She wanted to run into his arms like always, drowning into the sea of comfort, that were his arms. The sound of Guru's footsteps, broke her reverie and she steeled her resolve before looking up at Kumaran again. The flickering light of the torch fell upon the queer pair of the old guard and the keen young man and she could see the earnestness in their faces. She knew they loved her unquestioningly and were waiting for her mere word to embark on any quest of her choice. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and asked the question that was burning her tongue, "Who is she?"
Kumaran knew that the question was addressed to him and raked his mind furiously to make sense of her query. Finding, no answer within, he decided to wait for his Valli to elaborate. Valli saw the clueless look on his face and decided a more direct approach was in order. She breathed out an audible sigh and began again "Who is it that you love so much? Who is she?" Kumaran again saw that the question was directed at him. Finding no greater clarity in the elaboration, he decided to finally voice his concern. "I love you, my princess. I know not of this other she that you refer to." 'Princess', Valli seethed at that word. She was the queen now, but everywhere she was the Princess of Madurai, the girl ruler, the kid. It was enough to drive her up the wall, especially that night. She controlled herself with difficulty and said with clenched teeth, biting the words apart, "My parents died when I was 11. I have been ruler of this country ever since I was 16. I think it is about time you call me Queen Valli."
Kumaran was oblivious to her anger and playfully replied, "To me you will always be my princess." He breathed out a sigh of relief. Valli was just being petulant. He had not seen her much over the last month. He would spend the next day with her, he decided. Valli nearly screamed out. Then she saw Guru rustling and was brought back to reality. She was surprised at her anger: What did it matter, if she was called Queen or Princess? If fate would have it Madurai as she knew it would not exist. She chewed back all the arguments and with slow deliberation broke Kumaran's happy thoughts and asked him again "Kumara this is very important. Please do tell me who is this woman that you love?" But no sooner had she asked, she knew it was to no avail. He was not going to tell her. Why was he doing this to her? Weren't they engaged to be married, for four years now. It was her idea to wait, but he had seemed so enthusiastic in his acceptance of her decision. Why wouldn't he at least tell her who she was. Was she not owed that much? They had known each other for 17 years and what was it worth? What should she do now? What should she do now? She tilted her head back and clenched her eyelids, holding back her tears of desperation and wishing it were all a dream. Ha! What a stupid thought! Her stupid dream had gotten her here. No sooner did she think this, when the image of the quiet majesty of Vishram's face came to her.
There lay her answer. She had enough trust in Kumaran to leave him unguarded. And of course there was Guru; she knew she did not have to give him any explicit orders. He wouldn't leave Kumaran out of his sight now. Not after he heard their exchange. So she silently left the room, with Keerthi running to catch up with her. Suddenly left in darkness, Kumaran was lost. Who was this mystery woman that she kept asking about? If she wanted him to call her queen, he would of course do that; with no misgivings or a second's thought. Did she not love him anymore? He hardly knew if there was any explanation out there. He had been so sure that he had been beckoned to witness another dream...