Friday, February 24, 2012


They say when you are just about to die, your whole life flashes past you. The cliched highs, lows and whatnot. Well, I don't know about that, but my life is flashing past me, only, I am not dying (I've never had a near, or for that matter, far death experience), I am only in love. Yes, this is my love story. It is unique, with nothing close to anything you've heard or seen before, but again, for all it's singularity, it is after all a love story.

Today is the day. I am in love and here is my life flashing by...


  1. How much of this is fact/fiction? Happy for you, nevertheless.

  2. I only write fiction here and Lily is a name I do not recognize.

  3. I hope there's a second part. "It is unique, with nothing close to anything you've heard or seen before"- Warrants a follow up.
